Information for Mentees

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I choose a Mentor? First complete your profile with your condition(s). Age, ethnicity, and the other topics can be useful but are not required. ALF will use this information to match you with a suitable mentor for your needs. 
  • How long will the mentors be available? We ask our mentors to make commitments of at least six months to one year to ensure that the mentee can fully benefit from the relationship. If your mentor must leave the relationship early ALF will match you with a replacement mentor with a similar background.
  • What if the relationship is not going well? ALF will check in with the mentor and mentee on a regular basis so any potential issues can be addressed. However, sometimes the relationship just isn't right. We will provide our full support to resolve the situation in a positive and satisfactory manner. Neither side is required to remain in this relationship if it is not mutually beneficial. As stated above, ALF will offer you a replacement mentor with your similar background.

Mentee DO's

  1. Take an active role in setting up meetings and actively participate in the relationship. 
  2. Try to understand what you'd like to get out of these meetings. Of course, this may change as time goes by.
  3. Set aside time for the mentoring process and keep all scheduled appointments with your mentor.
  4. Put this time with your mentor to good use. This may include coming to meetings with your mentor prepared with what you'd like to discuss.
  5. Respond in a timely manner to your mentor's feedback. Try to answer messages and emails from your mentor within a few  days after receipt.
  6. Be open and honest with your mentor about your challenges and even your concerns and weaknesses. 
  7. If something concerning the mentor needs to be discussed, you can always reach out to ALF. 

Mentee DON'Ts

  1. Ask for advice on everything. Your mentor is not a medical or counseling professional. They are here to share their similar journey.
  2. Expect the mentor to have all the answers.
  3. Commit yourself to obligations you cannot keep.
  4. Cancel meetings/visits with your mentor at the last minute.
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